Saturday, 5 January 2013

Lose weight in 5 easy steps.

Ok! Lets be honest losing weight is never easy, right? Wrong! It can be easy as well as fun. It all depends on how we look at it and how we work toward it.

The Five Steps

1. Find out what gives you the best kick of all -- is it more money in the bank, a career promotion, more power, or more food in the fridge -- whatever it is have a think about it.

2. Determine how many kilos you want to lose. Be realistic. And don't set a time frame. Even if you do set a time frame make it a jolly long one.

3. Been overweight for a while? Then your metabolism might be a little slow. Do something/anything  heart thumping for 15 minutes each day - skipping, dancing, running, jogging, running on the spot, or just about anything that will get your heart beating faster.  The key point to note is that it should be something that can be easily done, and preferably done in the comfort of your own home. If you really want to push yourself a bit more do this twice a day - once in the morning and once in the evening or night. Caution: do a few stretches and flexes before hitting the ground - who needs sprains and strains on the first day?

4. Fooooooood is NOT your enemy.  Enjoy it but in good measure. The simplest and greatest service you can do to yourself to help you lose those kilos is this - when you feel hungry and its time for a meal help yourself to some water. A glass full is good, two glassfuls even better. And always begin your day with a glass or two of water. Now eat till you are no longer hungry and feel a bit satisfied. Never eat just to finish up what's on your plate. If you hate wasting food buy yourself a smaller plate and serve smaller portions - but never stuff yourself full of food - that poor tummy can't handle it!

5. Get rid of all the in between snacks and deserts from your freezer and pantry cupboard.

Now lets put 1,2,3,4, and 5 together. We'll do this bottom to top.

Getting rid those inbetweeners and deserts takes away temptation. Whilst working as a Slimming consultant I realised that most of my patients don't really count those inbetweeners as real food! So they find it difficult to understand how is it that they put on so much / or lose so little weight by eating so very little! Deserts are easier to understand and easier to avoid. So the best way to do it is get rid of the temptation!

Water is not only good for you and helps in detoxification, but is also a zero calorie tummy filler! Works almost like a gastric band ( but not quite) and makes you feel fuller faster. So make it your new best friend. Often our hunger pangs could just be because we are thirsty - so refuel frequently with water and especially before sitting down for a meal. And get that smaller plate - a smaller plate means less waste and decent portions.

A bit of exercise which does not need any special equipment and is easily done in the comfort of ones home is better than that New Year gym membership that never gets used or if used just once a week. Keeping things simple is key - especially if you've tried and tried and felt like failure. Just do it - anything at all - for 15 heart thumping minutes - and get that metabolism going. As said previously if you can do it twice a day - good! But don't berate yourself for not being able to make it twice. Once is good enough. Once your metabolism is kick started your body automatically begins to burn more calories than it did when it was sluggish. So bear that in mind.

Now you know how much you want to lose. So after putting these steps into action weigh yourself once every week. Not before 7 days at any rate. Make a record of how you are doing - record the date started, date weighed and weight. Initial it and get a friend or family member to review it with you if possible.

Now for point number one. Why on earth should you think about what gives you the best kick? Well it's important. It's important to you as you get the best buzz out of it.  So link your weight loss kilos mentally to whatever it is that gives you the best high or buzz in life. If its money link it to your bank balance and visualise it growing as your weight loss kilos grow, if its more power, imagine the weight loss kilos giving you more power and so on. This kind of visual imagery boosts our mental positivity and creates a buzz within ourselves. It offer us mental fuel to go on and add to that bank balance, it urges us on and forward and deters us from stopping before we reach our goal!

All the very best and don't forget to let me know how well you are getting on or follow me here for more updates and news.
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